A New Year and a new approach to finding and following God…
Our daily lives are often very full. Full of things to do. Full of meetings and deadlines. Full of places to be. Full of people to meet.
For some they may be full of time on our hands. Full of hopes we would like to fulfil. Full of things we don’t want to face. Where is God during our daily lives? How do we find God in fullness, in the full-ness of everyday life?
Everyday Faith is a Church of England campaign starting in January 2020 offering reflections and prayers to help you find and follow God in everyday life.
We are probably all aware that being followers of Jesus isn’t confined to church activities. Most of us will pray, or think about our faith, at some point during our day. The Everyday Faith reflections, stories and prayers are offered to help us discover more about what it means to live faithfully, hopefully and lovingly as Christians today. As Archbishop Justin Welby says in the booklet’s introduction, “God sends us as God’s church to live out our faith in a variety of places and to share the hope and love we have with the people we meet in everyday life.”
Everyday Faith is available in booklet, app, social media, email and audio formats. You can sign up to receive emails here