
DONATE NOW to support the work of your local church

Like many other charities and organisations, the Covid-19 crisis has had a significant impact on our church finances.  When our buildings were closed we lost a substantial amount of income from hall hire, as well as losing income from giving at our Sunday services.

If you would like to give to support our two churches, you can do so in the following ways:

You can donate through online banking.

The church’s bank details are:

Sort code: 20-49-81

Account number: 90659096

Account Name: P C C Of The Church Of The Good Shepherd And St Peter Lee (caps and spacing as shown)

Please use your name as the reference.

Please note this is a business account.

Alternatively, you can donate via text.

If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, you can download a Gift Aid form here.   

Our churches cost around £150,000 in total to run each year; or just below £3,000 every week. Last year, roughly:

    • 55% was given to the diocese towards the cost of having a vicar
    • 19% went on the cost of maintaining and running the buildings
    • 8% went on administration and office expenses
    • the remainder went on services and social justice projects

We cover a third of the costs of running the church through hiring out the halls, but the bulk of our income comes through contributions from our members.

If you’d like to find out more about giving to the church on a regular basis you can download our Giving Leaflet

and if you’d like to start giving you can download our Gift Aid & Pledge Form

For more information about how Gift Aid could increase the amount we receive without costing you any more,  see this HMRC page.