Helping refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants in our community
The ‘Helping Hands Foodbank’ is a joint project between our parish and Action for Refugees in Lewisham (AFRIL).
AFRIL is a small, locally run charity based in Lewisham. They work to relieve poverty and social isolation amongst refugees and asylum seekers, by providing education, family support services, and access to emergency supplies. They currently help an average of 120 people in our local community.
Many of the families that AFRIL helps are living on very little each week. The Helping Hands Foodbank aims to provide these destitute families with much needed food. Families are assessed by AFRIL then referred to the foodbank where they can receive a weekly supply of fresh, dried and tinned foods, toiletries and vouchers. At the moment we’re supporting over 35 families each week.
How does the foodbank work?
Currently the foodbank runs alternate Saturdays from 10am to 12noon at St. Peter’s Church, corner of Eltham Rd / Weigall Rd, SE12 8HQ. The foodbank is staffed by volunteers from AFRIL and from our parish. The volunteers are there to bag up food & toiletries, befriend the families, and provide hospitality. The food is provided by donations from individuals, local groups, local businesses and local charities.
How can I be involved?
There are lots of ways to be involved…
- Donating food – it can be brought to church on Sundays, or dropped into St. Peter’s on Saturday mornings
- Helping the run the cafe on Saturday mornings or being part of the Saturday team managing donations
- Financial support – big or small!
You can be involved on a regular basis, or just now and again as time allows. To find out more, or offer to help, contact:
If you’d like to make a donation to the work of the foodbank, you can do that via the AFRIL website here.
What do we need?
We need donations of:
Milk (UHT)
Fruit juice (carton)
Tinned fish
Washing up liquid
Cooking oil
Tinned tomatoes
Toilet rolls
Washing powder
Toiletries / sanitary towels